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ADA Policies

Reasonable Modifications

The Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG) overseeing the Interurban Trolley provides reasonable modifications to individuals with disabilities by making changes to policies, practices, and procedures if needed by an individual with a disability to enable him or her to participate in Interurban Trolley services subject to several exceptions. These exceptions include when the modification would cause a direct threat to the health or safety of others, would result in a fundamental alteration of the service, would not actually be necessary in order for the individual with a disability to access Interurban Trolley service or would result in an undue financial or administrative burden.

To request a Reasonable Modification please contact MACOG at 574-674-8894 between the weekday hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, by email to macogdir@macog.com, or by mail to

Attn: ADA Reasonable Modification
227 W. Jefferson Blvd.
1120 County-City Building
South Bend, IN 46601
Attn: Zach Dripps, ADA Compliance Officer
227 W. Jefferson Blvd.
1120 County-City Building
South Bend, IN 46601
Email: zdripps@macog.com